Chapter 6 ( FIRST CONTACT? )


I just completed a book on wattpad, and it became my absolute favorite. I loved it!

Keeping the phone aside on my side table. I decided to go to sleep.

Suddenly, the phone ringed indicating a notification.

I picked it up and saw.

Unknown - Go to sleep babygirl tomorrow is an important day.


Vote kardo yaar. Why don't you guys vote ?

◆unedited (may contains mistakes)


I checked the message, and yes, it was from that same unknown. I completely forgot about this person in the excitement of the deal.

I will definitely talk to mom dad after tomorrow's meeting about this stalker. It's a serious matter that needs to be addressed, but right now, my and everyone's focus should be on tomorrow's meeting. I can't inform anyone about this matter before the meeting because I know they all will have tension and will not be able to give their best.

So I again laid down on my bed, kept the phone aside, and tried to sleep.




But even after 10 minutes, sleep was nowhere near me.

Not being able to sleep, I decided to pray to God. Yes, praying helps me a lot to sleep, and it also makes me refresh.

After 40 minutes

After more than half an hour, I was starting to feel sleepy. I got up and again laid down on my bed.

And within just 5 minutes, I was in a deep sleep.

In morning

Alarm rang at 6:45 a.m., and I instantly woke up. Yes, I am a heavy and deep sleeper, but when I am usually excited about something, it happens with me.

After waking up, I prayed to god and then started doing exercise. Doing yoga and exercise in the morning helps me to be fit and healthy.

I really like doing it. We have special room for fitness and training which have all the equipments ranging from basic to advance.

After doing all of my work, I went to the washroom to freshen up for the day.

My outfit for today's meeting is a dress. It's a black dress which, according to me, will look appropriate for both meeting and lunch.

I wear black a lot. It's not because I don't like other colors infact I love a lot of colors other than black, such as teal, indigo, rust, and many more. The reason I have a lot of black dresses is because I don't find any good dress in any other colors.

Besides, black and white are my most favorite colors. I love those colors because of how 'strong' they are. Yes, strong. I know white and strong do not match for many people, but according to me, it has so much power to change the shade of the colors. It even makes the black color change its shade. It can make any shade lighter. Besides, it also depicts peace. And everyone knows about black and how powerful it is. It gives a vibe of dominance and intimidation.

So enough with my useless lessons, and let's get onto our work.

After doing all my grooming and all, I went downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.

In dining room

"Good morning mom dad" I wished them smiling.

"Good morning, beta." Dad and mom replied with the same enthusiasm.

(Good morning, baby)

"You look amazing." Mom said, looking at my outfit and smiling.

"Thank you, mumma." I replied to her back, smiling.

"What's in the breakfast today?" I asked them.

"It's chole bhature."dad replied cheerfully and patiently waiting to get his breakfast.

(Chole Bhature:- An indian dish which consists of chickpeas masala and a deep fried bread made from maida called bhatura. it's very famous among the northern region.)

"Wow, mom, please get it fast for me. Please." I said to her.

"Wait, wait, have patience. I will get it for you." She said and went into the kitchen.

After eating breakfast

"It's was very tasty, mumma." I said to her, feeling delighted after eating.

"I am glad." Mumma replied, smiling. "Now let's go to the office, remember we have a meeting today."

"Yes, mam." Dad and I said, standing in an attention

"So dramatic." Mom replied to our acting and went to get ready.

In the office (I.N.D private Ltd.)

"Good morning, mam." Riman wished me as I came inside my office.

"Good morning, Riman." Is everything ready for the meeting? I asked him.

"Yes, mam, all the files as well as presentations are ready." Riman replied.

"Great! My work is also nearly done. Then we shall look over at everything before we go." I said

Yes, I have to show the presentation and explain it in today's meeting. I prepared the presentation yesterday and sent it to Riman to highlight it further and get rid of errors, if present.

"Sure, mam, shall I go to help swastik in preparing documents?" He asked me.

"Yeah, also, please send it to me before printing. I need to look over at it." I replied to him.

"Ok, mam." He said and went towards swastik's Cabin.

At 1:00 pm

Finally everything is perfect and checked.

I just finished checking the documents which swastik and Riman prepared. These consist of all the details which we would require to sign a deal and all the documents which we need to present.

Everything is nearly perfect now, and we are ready for the meeting. Let me check the time.

It's 1 pm right now. We need to be there at 2 pm. So still we have much time left. Their company is at a near distance from ours, like just 10 minutes, so we need not go early.

Till the time, let's do some work.

AT 1:35 PM

Ah, it's the time to prepare ourselves to go.

Riman went to call mom, dad, abhimaan, and swastik. After all of them came, we sat inside our limousine and made our way towards MALHOTRA COMPANY.

Inside the car, we all sat together and prayed to god and also thanked him for everything we have.

I could feel everyone's nervousness along with mine.

Nervousness is something very normal. It shouldn't be seen as weaknesses. We often feel nervousness when we are going to do something important.

I was in my thoughts when we reached Malhotra company.

"I hope we all get the deal. We really worked hard for it." Riman said.

"We will definitely get it. We are the best company out there in the world in fashion and clothing." Abhimaan said, feeling proud and content.

"We are, but the issue is that they never deal with any company but only their family and relatives company." Dad said to abhimaan. Hearing him, Mom replied."Ok, fine. Let's not worry about it and do our best."

"Exactly, We will do our best and rest everything depends on our destiny and God." I told everyone, and we all got out of the limousine.

As we came out. A huge building came onto our view. As huge as ours. And on the building it was written MALHOTRA PRIVATE LIMITED.

Along that huge buildings, many other buildings surrounded. All of them had the same label.

We entered inside the company and went towards reception. While going, I could feel people gaze on us, especially on me, and that made me more confident. Not bad or greedy gazes but the gazes of admiration and shock.

The receptionist was really a sweet lady standing along with a gentleman. They told us our way towards the board meeting room, which was on the 23rd floor, and a man escorted us to the private lift.

Within 7-10 minutes, we were on the 23rd floor. Lift tinged, and we all got out.

I checked the time, it was 1:57 pm. Great!

I was even more boosted when I felt that we would be exactly on time. I liked reaching on time everywhere. Reaching on time means at EXACT TIME. No less, no more.

As we went a little further. A man approached us. He looked old but still handsome and sharp. He also had a beautiful smile on his face.

I felt I saw him somewhere.

I was looking at him when a lady joined him, and they started to approach us. She also looked old. Almost the same age as that man. But lord, she was gorgeous, like literally beautiful. She had the beauty of a 30-40 year old woman.

But i saw her somewhere.

"Good afternoon! I see you all are at the exact time." The man said, smiling.

Oh yes! I remember now. They are Mr and Mrs Malhotra.

"So lovely to see you, Inez. we are meeting after such a long time." Mrs Riya Malhotra said to me, smiling, and we both hugged.

"Same here mam, it's my pleasure to meet you again." I said to her. She is a very sweet lady, I was actually not able to recognize her from far. I felt Mr Advik Malhotra's gaze on me. "Good afternoon sir, pleasure to meet you once again." I said to him.

"Pleased to meet you to Inez. I am enthusiastic to work with your company. I knew you had passion and dedication towards your work." Mr Advik Malhotra replied to me.

"Thank you so much, sir. I am equally excited, too. In fact, we all are." I said to him and we both shaked our hands.

"Same here. Good afternoon, everyone. I am Advik Malhotra." He introduced himself to everyone, and then Mrs. riya continued "we are delighted to meet you all.I am Riya Malhotra."

"If I am not wrong, you are Parmarth and Inaya Datta, right ?" Ms. riya asked to mom and dad.

"Yes, we are. We are glad to meet you both." Mom said.

"Well we have heard a lot about your company. So my son thought that yours was the best one to choose." Advik sir said.

"Thank you so much, sir." I said to him. "Well, i would like to introduce you to Riman, swastik, and Abhimaan."

"Nice to meet you, mam and sir." They all said and introduced themselves.

"Same here, boys." Riya mam replied, smiling

"I think we should start the meeting it's already 2:05." Advik sir told all of us.

"Sure. Please lead the way." I replied

In the meeting room.

We all went inside the meeting room and saw some people sitting there. I recognized Kiaan Malhotra and aarav Singhania sitting there. I saw them many times in corporate parties. There were some more people whom I knew. But nobody is sitting on the head chair.

I guess their elder son Edhas Malhotra, who is the Ceo and the one who emailed us, is still not here yet.

"Please have your seats. Our son will be here in no time, and we are extremely sorry for the delay." Advik sir said to all of us.

"No problem, sir." I replied

We all took our seats and started discussing various matters while waiting for the Ceo of come.

Suddenly everything got silent and inside came a huge tall figure carrying an aura of power and dominance.

Yes, you are right. It's Edhas Malhotra. The ceo and founder of Malhotra private limited. The one who is known as the devil and king of the business world.

But my lord, he is one hell of a fine man. Tall, handsome and intelligent.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I am extremely sorry for the delay. There were some urgent matters that required my attention." Edhas Malhotra said.

"So without any further delay let's proceed with our meeting. Please start." He said and sat down on his seat.

Riman is the first one who would start with the presentation, and then everyone will do their parts.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I am Riman Verma. I have been working in I.N.D private limited since 2018 as Assistant of the Ceo Ms. Inez datta. Today, I will be presenting -- "

I was listening to Riman when I felt hard staring on me.

It literally felt like someone was boring holes in my body.

Intense staring was a less word for this. It felt like those eyes could see past my soul.

So I turned to see who it was.


It was -


Hi Rayers ✨️

I know I am late. I'm extremely sorry 😞

Kaan pakad ke sorry guys.

It was 2100+ words chapter .

I know I said that chapters will be of 1500 words. (I know I am A Doglebaaz Insaan, just kidding)

But I felt that I should make them meet each other.

Though only a few scenes of Edhas, but don't worry, the whole book further contains him and Inez.

I need to mention one more thing. From today, I won't give any time of updates. No day, nothing. Currently, I am extremely busy. You may think I am making excuses, but please understand that it's very difficult at the start of a new session. I won't compromise with my studies because of wattpad. DON'T WORRY I will not leave this book incomplete, I will definitely complete it. In June, there will be summer vacations, so I will update more frequently.

Enough with my bickering.

I literally spat so much today.


:- Italics with bold indicates the change of place,time or event.

:- only bold indicates POV. (maybe sometimes underlined too.)

:- only italics represents past, sometimes conversations, not important or very important.

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If 150 people are reading the chapter only 15-20 people vote and barely 1 person comments. So please do.

It means a lot to authors.

Love you ❤️

By Ray(R_allure7)

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Ray 🖤

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Hi, It's completely your choice if you want to support. I want to become independent and don't want to give burden to my parents for my study expenses. That was all Love you ❤️

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