Chapter 4 (A DEAL WITH WHOM ?)


An email popped up on my account.

And seeing the sender's name my eyes widened, like literally widened as they were about to come out of their socket.

I never expected it.

I seriously never did.

I must have looked like a ghost if somebody saw my literal face.

I was pale.

I was as like struck with lightning.

I swear I could hear the lightning in my ears just like Indian dramas.

I know I am very dramatic.

I know you will laugh If you get to know about it.

We are the best company in fashion and clothing but still this SENDER was never in my list of expectations. I never that this SENDER would email me.

And the SENDER was...........


Hey just made an Insta account

Follow me for amazing reels ❤️

Username:- Author_Ray7


And the SENDER was...........

Edhas Malhotra

Yes Edhas Malhotra.

Like literally EDHAS MALHOTRA.

No no I am not fangirling over him. You would also behave like that if I would tell you about him and how his just one email made me like that.

And I am going to tell you about it.

Edhas Malhotra as I had told you about him a little, that he is the son of Mr Advik Malhotra and Ms. Riya Malhotra. Never I mean never ever he came to any parties or corporate meetups. Its always his parents, brother and best friend only. His best friend always looks at me and gives me a smile, I don't want to make assumptions so I dudge it as a sign of friendliness.

Talking about Edhas, he is known to be extremely strict and cold. He is one of the business tycoon of today's Era. As I heard from my close corporate friends that he never ever joins any useless meetings but he is the one who handles everything. His decision is the last and he attends office daily.

Also he is known to be very hot and handsome but he is never seen with any other women. No one at all. No girlfriends , no affairs , no one-night stands , no exes like literally not even a friend except his best friend. He is said to be a dangerous man.

But the main point is why I was behaving like that when his email popped up in my inbox.

It is because he never handles the deals personally. He have people to do that. Being a ceo, I know it's his duty and he does it . What I mean to say is, he does not involve himself in this drafts or deal proposal part. Not even when there has been a deal made. His assistant is there to do all these things and handle it. He only meets personally and comes forward when their is a task which can't be done without his presence.

Although he is very efficient in his work. He may not come forward to meet you, but his ideas and rules are. Everything works on his wish. He may not come to meet you but he always has his eyes on you. You may think that he doesn't check your work but he checks even the small details. That's who he is. An INTERESTING personality.

So I hope you understood the reason for my behavior.

Now let's dwell about this issue.

I opened the mail by Mr Edhas.


From- EdhasM@gmail.com

To- I.N.Dprivatelimited@gmail.com


We received your mail by 'I.N.Dprivatelimited@gmail.com' stating that you are looking for a manufacturing company to provide you yarns and fabrics. We are pleased to say that we are looking forward to this deal proposal of yours. Kindly revert back if you are interested with a draft proposal.



Edhas Malhotra

(CEO and founder 'Malhotra private limited')


They accepted our proposal for a deal. The email came from Mr Edhas's account even though we mailed to 'Malhotraprivatelimited@gmail.com'.

Nevermind. (Although I am curious)

Now that's such a good news. Abhi now we gonna have a party for sure. I am so happy that they accepted our proposal for the deal. But still I should not celebrate as the Deal is not officially done and its just a first step.

Firstly let me send him the draft which I created for the deal with tiedye company. Oh talking about it, I also have to send an apology mail to them. So let's not waste time and do all this. But the question still ringing at one corner of my head is 'why would he message you?'

After 15 minutes

I didn't tell anyone about this as the draft was already prepared so I thought to do it myself. I modified somethings according to their company policies just that. I also sent an apology email to tiedye company.


From- I.N.Dprivatelimited@gmail.com

To- EdhasM@gmail.com

Cc- Malhotraprivatelimited@gmail.com


We are glad to hear that your company is interested in our deal proposal. We are also pleased to say that we are equally interested and eager for this deal with you. So here I have attached a file of draft proposal with the email. Kindly contact us further on this email board only after making a decision of whether you wanna go with this deal or not.

Also if you want to go further with this deal, you may suggest some changes in draft if required. We will be glad to resolve your issues and modify the draft.



Inez Datta

(CEO and chairman 'I.N.D private limited')

And I clicked onto the send icon.


Finally done. I hope they are interested and we make a deal. I am really eager to do it. It's a big accomplishment for any company to do business with them.

Till the time let me go and take a round at the company.

In corridor

I went outside my office and took my private lift to one floor below. Below mine floor all the important heads of the company sits. It includes my parents, Abhi, swastik and few other people who are CFO and COO.

No, Riman's cabin is not on this floor. His cabin is on my personal floor only as being an assistant he needs to be present with me at all times.

After inspecting the work of everyone I saw that mukesh was not in his cabin. Yes Mukesh Oberoi who is Abhi's assistant. So knowing where he will be. I went towards Abhimaan's cabin.

And I was right.

Mukesh is here only, with abhimaan in his cabin.

He was saying something more like whispering to Abhi. I cleared my throat making them aware of my presence.

Mukesh stood up hurriedly and said. "Good morning mam."

"Afternoon its is by the way, but still good afternoon." I said reminding him and smiling at him.

"Sorry mam." Mukesh said as his face was covered by embarrassment.

"It's fine. And I have assigned a work for you. Kindly complete it before 6pm today." I instructed him.

"Ok mam sure, may I go now ?" He agreed and then asked if he could leave.

"Yes you may." I told him to leave.

"So yes Mr abhimaan. What was that huh?" I said to him wiggling my eyes and teasing him.

"Shut up nez, You know about it." He said irritatingly.

Yes I know about it, Mukesh likes him a lot and is very shy in front of him. Now you will ask how he is working as his assistant then. But trust me only my colleagues know what happens.

"Leave it. Did you get a response from tiedye?" He asked and my eyes widened. I didn't think what excuse I will give him about this. No, I didn't want to tell him about Malhotra company's revert on deal right now. I want to give everyone a surprise if they will accept the deal.

"Yes yes I sent draft but there is no response till now." I said saying truth. Its a truth because I never said I sent draft to tiedye .

"Oh okay , don't worry whatever will happen will happen for good." He said to me.

"Hmm, I hope so. Leave that topic right now, I came here to give you your new project." I told him the reason I came here for.

"What is it?" He asked me

"There are new designs for sarees, ethnic skirts and gowns made by designing team. You need to make a marketing strategy and assign your team to make advertisements."  I told him all the work he needs to do.

"Ok it will be done till tomorrow noon. Let me go and announce this to my team." He agreed and then we both came out from his cabin.

"Fine then, I am going back to my office." I said to him as we came out.

"Yeah, and don't forget to update me about the deal." He shouted as I was going towards the lift.

"Okkkk." I shouted back.


I came inside my office and went towards my chair. I sat down and closed my eyes. I was feeling exhausted. I yawned and opened my MacBook.

Entering into my Gmail account. I searched for a particular email.

And hey i got it.

I opened the email and was extremely excited after reading it. It said

From- EdhasM@gmail.com

To- I.N.Dprivatelimited@gmail.com


We had looked over your draft proposal for deal. We are impressed by it and want to tie up with your company. Though there are some things which we would want to add up in the draft proposal. It would be great if your company officials could come to our company to mutually make this deal.

I (Edhas Malhotra, Ceo and founder) would like to personally meet the Ceo of I.N.D private Limited to turn this deal official.

●Details for a mutual meeting is provided in a file attached to this email.

If you are interested further kindly revert with an 'Acceptance for meeting' email.



Edhas Malhotra

(CEO and founder 'Malhotra private Ltd.)

After reading it I was joyfully jumping in my office. I know it's a down right wierd habit from childhood, I tried to change it but couldn't.

I hurriedly sent an 'Acceptance for meeting' email stating that we were ready for a mutual meeting with them and agreed on their details provided for mutual meeting.

Details said that:-

●meeting was held for tomorrow at 2:00pm with a lunch.

●The meeting will be held at Malhotra private limited.

●We need to come with all important officials.

These were some basic details which we need and I was ok with all of these.

Now I need to tell this good news to everyone.

But suddenly my phone ringed indicating somebody has messaged me.

I opened the message.

And it said.

Unknown- very eager to do deal with Malhotra company babygirl.


Hi Rayers ✨️

I again completed my promise #newupdate.❤️😌

1800+words chapter.

Please vote, comment and share.❤️

It means a lot.

Who is this unknown any guesses? 🙃

Next update will be on next Wednesday or Thursday. (No promises)😅

Bye bye

Love you ❤️

By Ray


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Ray 🖤

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Hi, It's completely your choice if you want to support. I want to become independent and don't want to give burden to my parents for my study expenses. That was all Love you ❤️

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