
"Do they think we are free all day to wait here for them." Dad said losing his patience

"It's been half an hour since we are sitting here waiting for them." Abhimaan said supporting dad.

I listened to all of them. Even my patience was running thin because of them now.

Suddenly door of the meeting room got opened in a hurry and a shocked looking Riman entered the room.

"M-mam Mr- Mr ohja"



"M-mam Mr o-ohja-" Riman said fearfully.

"Mr Ohja what?" I asked him feeling something was wrong

"Mam M-mr ohja and his son died" He said with seriousness and panicness lacing in his tone.

"WHAT" I said in disbelief.

"WHAT THE HELL" Mom said standing from her seat.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Dad said suddenly turning all serious.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL" Abhimaan said being dramatic and having a hint of laughter in his tone. After just listening to him I could tell that he was not believing Riman.

And yes all of a sudden he started laughing holding his stomach and proving my theory right.

"HAHAHAHA" Abhimaan laughed like a monkey.

"BAHAHAHAHA" now like a devil

"HEHEHEHEHE" now like those girls giggling.

Riman, Me and my parents along with some other members were looking at him dumbfounded and with a hint of disbelief.

"Hey hey you young boy stop laughing now " my dad told him.

"Leave their deaths, You tell me how you laughed like that like those three different laughter though it was ugly." Dad asked him looking genuinely curious.

"PARMARTH" my mom shouted at him who was suddenly looking like a scardey cat I mean dad.

"Uh I-I " my dad meowd fearfully. " H-hey you boy why were you laughing huh and involving me with you" He continued pretending to be brave.

"Stop it now" I said finally "you guys are turning a serious matter into a funny one"

"Serious my ass" abhimaan replied "do you seriously think those bastards can leave the world that easily" He asked me further.

"Riman this is not a time to joke, you know how impatient we were getting waiting for them." My dad said shaking his head like in a disappointed manner

Well today I believed that my dad and Abhimaan shares some brain cells which is responsible for their this behavior.

Obviously any person in their right mind can see that Riman was shaking, like literally shaking.

"Are you guys seriously dumb or this news gave you some kind of attack on your dumb brains" mom said getting angry and making both of them shut their mouths.

"Thank-you mom" I mentally said to her

"Riman you continue" I told him

"Mam actually they are not dead they are--" Riman was saying but Abhimaan interrupted.

"Look look lnez what i told you they are not dead now he even admitted it." Abhimaan said pouting and faking anger.

"Riman what is this, one moment you say they are dead now you are saying they are not." Mom said to him looking disappointed.

"Yes now look Naya you scolded me for that, poor me." Dad said faking hurt and putting a hand on his chest.

Well what can I say my whole family even my best friend is dramatic.

"I am sorry parmarth." Mom said consoling him

"LISTEN TO ME FIRST!!!!! " Riman suddenly shouted startling everyone

Everybody looked at him with wide eyes and jaws hanging.

"Sorry sorry I mean please listen to me first" Riman said in embarrassment.

"Yes, please continue Riman" I said

"I wanted to say they are not dead but murdered." Riman told us.

"WHAT " Me and mom said at the same time.

"What's the difference, after being murdered they are dead only." Abhimaan said in a obvious and duh like tone.

"I agree, kids nowadays" Dad said shaking his head disappointingly and pointing towards Riman.

Being a Ceo and chairman I was about to tell them to maintain the decorum and behave professionally but mom is faster.

"SHUT UP YOU BOTH ITS SERIOUS" mom said scolding them

They instantly kept finger on their lips.

But suddenly after 10 sec they both seemed to get back their senses and shouted "WHAT MURDER"

"Yes, wait let me show you." Riman said and switched on the digital board in meeting room. It worked like a television too.

He showed us a news channel.

Breaking news- owner of company Ohja & Co Mr ohja yadav and his son Mr Shravan yadav are murdered in their company. Also their company is completely destroyed and burned. It was one of the richest companies.

Reporter 1 - "their dead bodies are found in the basement of the company covered with cement and blood. Their is a sign of snake spitting venom on both of their Private parts."

Reporter 2 - "the sign on their private part is a tattoo which was freshly made just at the time of murder as per forensic reports.This could be a good clue to detect murderer but there is no other clue found by police. This is one of the brutal murder cases in the history."

Reporter 1- "our deep condolences to Mr. Ohja yadav's family."

And here it was ended.

We all were in a deep shock. Like the photos they were showing on television, though they were censored but still horrifying.

"Oh my God they were murdered brutally." Dad said still in shock.

Everyone in the meeting room was shocked to their core after listening to this news. We all may not like them and few may even hate them because of their mannerless attitude and cheap habits. But still nobody expected them to be murdered that mercilessly.

I agree that they were devils in the disguise of a human. I also heard by few people that they raped sex workers which is truly a disguising shit. When I heard about this I complained them to police but they were also as influential as we were so they got saved. I tried my best to provide justice to those ladies but failed. But still i keep reminding myself that i tried and that makes me feel less guilty. Few people also argued that they raped a sex worker and not any other lady but this was complete bullshit.

A NO means NO whether it is said by anyone doesn't matter If it's a sex worker or even your own wife. A NO means NO whether it is said by a man or a woman. Right now considering all these aspects I really felt that they deserved to die but that brutally..........ummm sadly YES.

My thoughts were put to an end my Riman. And I realized that everyone was discussing about this topic and came to a conclusion that it was their karma and we need to move on from this topic but it was not that easy as said.

"Mam their company also burned so now contract is over already. Have you searched for any other company?" Riman asked me

"Yes, I did mailed some companies before coming for meeting." I replied him

"Ok then let's wait for some time for a reply from them." Mom said

And just like that everyone else left meeting room except us all and topic again drifted towards their murder.

"Who do you think murdered them that brutally?" Dad asked

"No idea about this. Maybe they had some family issues or any personal problems which resulted in this." I told them my views

"Or It can be even a business rivalry or property matter also." I continued further

I said all this thinking in the context of crime patrol

"Or he just faked his death maybe to aware people. Ah you know what i wanna say " abhimaan said with playfulness

Hearing him mom slapped on his head.

"Shut up, this social media has completely destroyed your mind abhimaan. We are taking about a murder here. A brutal one on top of that." Mom said sounding frustrated on his carelessness.

"Ok ok sorry aunty" abhimaan said holding his ears.

Mom didn't reply

"Oh my beautiful, gorgeous and amazing aunt please forgive your child " abhimaan said pouting

"Ok ok fine. I forgive you" Mom said with a tint of redness

"Hey, you young man stay away from my wife." Dad said hugging mom tightly.

"Ok uncle, you can have your wife to yourself as I have your daughter." Abhimaan said hugging me

"Hey hey give my daughter back too"

"No I won't "

"Give me" dad said gritting his teeth.

And they continued their bickering with mom trying to handle them.

I again drifted in my thoughts of who could be their murderer. Don't come up on me , murder is a serious thing to think about and it's gonna be a big issue in corporate.

Maybe it could be his wife who murdered him because of his pervert habits.

Or his mistresses because of their jealousy.

Or any business rival

Or someone whom we can't expect.

Or- I was thinking when Riman came and broke my chain of thoughts.

"Mam sorry to disturb you but please look over the response of the companies whom you mailed because we need to provide inventory." Riman said reminding me.

"Sure, lemme go to the office and look over this matter." I replied him affirmatively.

"Ok mam" he said and went away to do his work.

"So let us leave this matter here itself and focus on our works." I said to mom, dad and Abhimaan.

"Hmm, I was thinking the same. Nothing can change what has happened, we must wait for police to find some clue."
Abhimaan said (finally something sensible) and continued "moreover we have a company to run."

"Exactly, so let's get onto our works." Dad replied.



I came inside my office and sat on my swivel chair. I opened my MacBook and went to Gmail.

After refreshing it, I looked over to find some mails.

And finally got.

Oh yes, one of the companies replied us back.

I started reading the mail in which they said that they are ready to work with us and make a deal.

I was extremely happy with the news that i didn't even check the company's name.

When I was returned back to my senses. I saw the name of the company.

And it is -----Tie..........


Hi Rayers ✨️

Glad that you waited.
(It is the starting of my new session of medical so it is tough coping up with everything.)

●If you find any mistake kindly dm me or write it in comments.

This chapter was more like a humorous one. Do comment your thoughts below.

It was a 1700+ words chapter.
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Next chapter will be on Wednesday or Thursday. (no promises though 😁)

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Ray 🖤

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Hi, It's completely your choice if you want to support. I want to become independent and don't want to give burden to my parents for my study expenses. That was all Love you ❤️

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