Chapter 1 (A MEETING? )


Alarm ringed at exact 7 am indicating that it was morning and time to go to work. Duh I love my work but waking up in the morning is a NO though its refreshing, And yes as expected I turned off the alarm and slept again.

*exactly five minutes later mom came*

"Inez Inez wake up its already 7" mom said.

"I am awake mom" I said in sleepy voice.

"Yeah I can see that clearly how awake you are. Get up fast if you don't want to get late for office, you know today ohja ji and his son is coming for meeting." Mom said reminding me.

"Oh yeah how can I forget that, but please just 5 minutes minutes more mumma." I said to her in a pleading voice.

"INEZ, I will throw water at you now if you don't get up right now." Mom said angrily.

"I am already up" I said getting up in a flash and going to washroom.

Well you guys must already know me as I am well introduced by author. But still i gotta give you some inside information, I am Inez Datta the one and only daughter of my parents and a single piece in this fucked up world. I was born with khandani paisa (family money) as I am the only granddaughter of Maheshwar Datta who was the business tycoon in his Era and is still a legendary and respected man in cooperative world even after 15 years of his death. Yes he died when I was 13 years old. I loved him a lot and still do and remembers his teachings every now and then.

So you must have gotten idea about the financial condition of my family. We have a family company Datta Cooperatives which has a market cap of 2.1 trillion dollars and is currently on auto mode. Well even after having all of these i was still craving for something of my own. I wanted to have my own name and power but with my hardwork not because I am a DATTA.

So I decided to start a company of my own dealing with clothing and making clothes from all the fabrics for worldwide fashion. I named my company I.N.D private Ltd. which stands for INDIA and INEZ DATTA, I personally felt that I could never get a better option other than this. I started this when I was 20 years old and was still studying business. My parents fully supported me on my this journey and later took on the jobs in my company itself because according to them they were getting bored sitting idle and running Datta Cooperatives which was already pretty successful.

So it has been 8 years of me running my company. Which has now reached the market cap of 1 trillion dollars. Yes I know it's not much but I am working on it. I absolutely love my job and currently we are dealing with ohja & Co Company. Mr Ohja yadav and his son Mr Shravan yadav are the owners and Shravan is also the CEO. Well talking about them you guys should know that they both are Fucking perverted bastards, though they are good at business but their behavior overshadows everything and they are just left with a title of FUCKING PERVERTED BASTARDS. They both even tried to get into my pants but I showed them their worth.

Now you people will ask why are we still working with them or why we even made a deal in first place. So let me answer your questions, answer to both of these questions is my grandparents. Let me explain it for your pea sized brain. Well Mr Ohja saved my grandmother Devina Datta from a car accident and my grandfather promised him to make a business partner of their company, but none of the investor was ready to make their company a partner because of Mr Ohja's behavior , so grandfather signed him a document claiming that he will be a business partner of the new branch of his company which he will open in future or a new company which any of the DATTA family members will open.

So this is the reason why we are stuck with those idiots since last 8 years. But don't worry now finally we will be getting rid of them as their tenure is finished today. That's the agenda of today's meeting.

Enough of my bickering now let's get ready.

After taking care of all the things, I started to take a shower.

Then I went to my walk in closet. Which is by the way a complete room connected with my room with a door for all my clothes,footwears, accessories, perfumes and other stuff.

There I choosed my outfit for today. All black it is.

After getting ready I went downstairs and met mumma and papa in living room.

"Good morning papa" I Said

"Good morning darling" dad said

"Ready to get rid of those idiots?" Dad asked cheerfully and happily

"Yes, can't be more happier." I said laughing along with him

"Finally my 8 years of struggle is finished." Dad said wiping his invisible tears.

"Your struggle? Struggle was all ours, you were not even dealing with them it was just me and my baby who were sacrificed." Mom said reminding him

"So what? your both struggles are my struggles." Dad said to her faking sadness on his face.

"Ok ok now let's eat breakfast and go to office to free ourselves from this struggle." I said to them

We all set on the dining, prayed to God and thanking him for giving us everything. After finishing our breakfast we all left our home to leave for office in our Rolls Royce at 10:30 am.

I called Abhimaan who is my best friend since I was in 9th grade and he is also the CMO of our company. Being a CMO especially in a clothing company is a major task and an important position for company and its productivity.

He picked it up after it rang for a few minutes.

"Good morning Datta mam."abhimaan answered joyfully

"Good morning rathore sahab." I replied him in a same tone

(Good morning Mr Rathore.)

"Aapne Hume kaise yaad kiya sahiba ji." He said jokingly.

(How come you rembered me madam?)

"Aapki hajri aaj Hume meeting room mein chaiye." I answered him taking part in his drama.

(I want your presence in meeting room today)

"Aapka hukum salakhon par." He answered

(Your wish is my command)

"Ok enough now, stop your drama." I told him laughing

"Nez today I am recorded as the happiest man alive because finally we are free from those nalle chapri insaan." He told happily

"We should hold a grand party on this occasion and plan a tour to go and celebrate." He continued

I could imagine him grinning like a monkey while saying this.

"Well Mr Rathore we will surely do hold a party for your funeral if you continued this talk any further." I replied him faking my anger

"And yes also be on time your presence is important at this." I said to him further

"Surely will be on time nezza madam." He said provoking me with that name

"Ok Hima mam." I said making him taste his own medicine

"My name is ABHIMAAN RATHORE." he told and i could hear him suppressing his laugh

"And my name is INEZ DATTA." I told him and hung up the phone.

My parents were listening to our conversation and laughing out loud.

"Who could say that you both are 28 and 30 when you act like some 10 year old kids." Mom said laughing

"He always starts it." I complained to her

"Ok fine, look we have reached the office." Dad said to both of us .

We all entered the office at 10:00 am. Everyone stood up from their seats and started greeting us. We all replied them back with a morning. Mom and dad went towards their departments to prepare for the meeting at 11:00 am. On the way of my office I met abhimaan too and told him to prepare for the meeting and also find some new marketing ideas for our new collection.

I entered my office, sat down on my seat and opened my IPad to look over some companies with whom we can sign a deal to provide fabrics, as today contract with ohja & Co.

Company will be over.

I got a list of some companies who were searching for a clothing company to deal with. There were many but we wanted only top quality fabrics.

Ramsons cooperative...... uh no their quality is not so nice.

Fabriconcious....... their quality is superior but they don't make all kinds of fabrics. So it's a NO.

Tiedye ltd....... Well this one is a good option.

Oh wait

What the fuck

MALHOTRA PRIVATE LTD. What the hell is this company doing here in this list.

I mean this company is very big and huge like you know they are the best company in fabrics. Their fabrics, execution, marketing, ethics and not to forget their hot employees. Uh I-I mean their hardworking employees.

But on a serious note their CFO, COO and CEO they all are very hot men. Like us all of their family work in their company itself. I met them at a few business parties and other celebrations, I met their chairman Mr. Advik and MD Ms. Riya personally. There I got to know that they both are husband and wife and their elder son is the CEO and younger son is COO.

Though I never met their sons but Mr. Advik and Ms. Riya are very sweet and generous people, they even called me their daughter. So their sons are my brothers, And here I am saying my brothers are hot.

Author ~ ( only if you knew Inez, about the brother🫢😏)

But still have a chance with their CFO who I heard is the best friend of their son. Just joking, I don't believe in true love or the kind of romantic love if you say precisely. Though I am ready to embrace it if I am lucky enough to get it, but I don't think so it exists nowadays.

That's the reason I never had a boyfriend because I thought it's just a waste of time. I don't want to get married because I feel like it's just about responsibilities if you are not in love with your partner. And the good thing is my parents support it, they are always like telling me to not get married if I don't want it. They are completely fine with it and not like other parents I heard of.

Getting back to the point they were having several dealers for fabrics and never got a need to get a new one. But today they are searching for one. They even announced it publicly that they have enough dealers and have some lifetime contract with them and will not be needing a new one. So why today ?

That's strange. But i did mailed them too along with tiedye Ltd. But there's a less chance they will be dealing with us because they mostly choose foreign companies to make themselves worldwide popular. But we can hope.

I checked time it was 10:30 am. There is still half an hour before meeting.

I called my secretary Riman. He is 26 year old and got a placement here from his college. Though he is younger in age than most secretaries he is extremely good at his work. Also he is much more mature than most people of his age but behaves very jolly with me at times and serious at working time.

"May I come in mam?" Riman asked from another side of the door.

"Yes come in." I replied

"How can I help you mam?" Riman asked in a serious voice knowing it is work time and I hate unseriousness at work.

"Please prepare the meeting room for 11 am meeting." I told him.

"Ok mam but still ohja & Co Company did not arrive." He told me in a curious and shocking tone.

"Really" I replied in a shock. "They did not come to flirt?" I continued further because they always come early to flirt with everyone.

"No mam, even I was shocked." Riman said

"Alright let's wait till 11 maybe they will come." I told him

"What if they don't ? We will have to deal with them for another 8 years?" He asked fearfully and in a crying voice

"No, if they don't we will send termination letter of their contract to their company." I replied assuring him and telling him to go and prepare meeting room.

I started Looking over some more companies and also looking over the termination letter of contract.

After half an hour Riman came and asked me to come into the meeting room. I asked him if Mr Ohja and shravan were there but he replied negatively.

I went inside the meeting room and my parents, abhimaan and other important position holders were already sitting there. I greeted everyone and sat on the head chair being a chairman and Ceo.

We all were sitting there waiting for Ohja & Co Company.

*After half an hour*

"Do they think we are free all day to wait here for them." Dad said losing his patience

"It's been half an hour since we are sitting here waiting for them." Abhimaan said supporting dad.

I listened to all of them. Even my patience was running thin because of them now.

Suddenly door of the meeting room got opened in a hurry and a shocked looking Riman entered the room.

"M-mam Mr o-ohja-"


Well that was the first chapter 😅 ❤️

2150 words in first chapter. It took me 2 days to write it. Hope you all will like it.

Hopefully I will post chapter 2 within 3-4 days. ( no promise, fingers crossed 🤞😌)

●Do write in comments about your thoughts. ❤️❤️

●Positive criticism is always open.

●Do help me improve and point out the mistakes.

●If you find any problem in my writing do message me.

●I would love it if you guys are honest.

☆I have a question for you all.

》》Do you want me to write author's thoughts in between like I did it with the brother scene?

A) Yes

B) No

■Also please vote and share the story along with comments.

I would love it.♡

Love you all ❤️

Bye bye

By Ray.


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Ray 🖤

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Hi, It's completely your choice if you want to support. I want to become independent and don't want to give burden to my parents for my study expenses. That was all Love you ❤️

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